Ulusal Chung Hsing Üniversitesi Yaz okulu program çağrısı metin içeriği aşağıdaki gibidir. Detaylı bilgiye aşağıdaki metin ve linkllerden ulaşabilirsiniz.



We are pleased to invite your students for 2020 NCHU Summer School organized by the College of Engineering, Law and politics, Management, and Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences.

Please forward the attached information to the students who may be interested.

Students who choose courses of Engineering, Law and politics and Management will be waived the program fees, please see the following form for more details.

Each course consists of 18 hours’ session and its duration varies from 3 to 6 days.

After finishing the courses, students will receive a Credit certificate issued by NCHU and Office of International Affairs, NCHU with course syllabus and outline included.

If students would like to join the program, please submit their applications and material through the link listed as follows:

Engineering (deadline 5/31, 2020): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1xPIoOD7UOuqscTyIuFzPoRtyX7jJx434MMmM72GthVY/edit

Law and Politics (deadline 3/25, 2020): nchugsg@gmail.com

Management (deadline 3/25, 2020): https://sites.google.com/email.nchu.edu.tw/2020-nchu-summer-workshop

Imagining Nature in the Anthropocene: eh.summerschool2020@gmail.com
