Atatürk Üniversitesi ile Karaganda Buketov Üniversitesi (Kazakistan) arasında uzun süredir devam eden verimli iş birliği çerçevesinde, Ofis Koordinatörü Prof. Dr. Taşkın Öztaş, Doğal Kaynakların Korunması konulu bir dizi konferans ve seminerler düzenledi.
Karaganda Buketov Üniversitesi Coğrafya Bölümü öğretim üyeleri ve öğrencilerine yönelik olarak çevrimiçi olarak gerçekleştirilen eğitim programı başarıyla tamamlandı.
Atatürk Üniversitesi ile Karaganda Buketov Üniversitesi arasındaki iş birliği, Dr. Taşkın Öztaş’ın liderliğindeki bu eğitim programı ile somutlaştırılmış, coğrafi sınırları aşarak karşılıklı öğrenmeyi ve toprak bilimi eğitiminde ilerlemeyi teşvik eden akademik iş birliği ve değişim ruhu pekiştirilmiştir.
Konu ile ilgili olarak Karaganda Buketov Üniversitesi tarafından yapılan haber metni paylaşılmıştır.

Successful Training Activities Continue within the scope of Bilateral Cooperation with Karaganda Buketov University

Under the long-standing and fruitful cooperation between Ataturk University and Karaganda Buketov University (Kazakhstan) within the framework of bilateral agreements, Office Coordinator Prof. Dr. Taskin Oztas delivered a series of lectures and seminars on the Conservation of Natural Resources and Fundamental Soil Variables.
From November 1 to 30, 2023, the teaching staff and students of the Department of Geography at Karaganda Buketov University successfully completed the online course “Fundamentals of Soil Science.” This marks a significant milestone in their academic journey. The course, led by the esteemed Professor Dr. Taskin Oztas from Ataturk University, provided a comprehensive exploration into the intricate world of soil science.
Throughout the program, participants had the privilege of learning from Dr. Taskin Oztas, a distinguished expert renowned for his extensive research and contributions to soil science. Under his guidance, attendees engaged in enlightening lectures, interactive discussions, and practical exercises, gaining profound insights into the fundamental principles of soil formation, composition, and its pivotal role in various environmental processes.
Despite the challenges posed by the online format, the teaching staff and students embraced the opportunity to expand their knowledge and expertise in soil science. Leveraging modern digital platforms and innovative teaching methodologies, Dr. Taskin Oztas facilitated an enriching learning experience, fostering collaboration and intellectual growth among participants.
By successfully completing the course, the teaching staff and students of the Department of Geography at Karaganda Buketov University have not only deepened their understanding of soil science but also acquired valuable skills and competencies essential for addressing contemporary environmental issues. Armed with this newfound knowledge, they are better equipped to contribute meaningfully to research, policymaking, and practical applications in fields such as geology, agriculture, environmental conservation, and beyond.
The collaboration between Karaganda University and Ataturk University, embodied in this course led by Dr. Taskin Oztas, exemplifies the spirit of academic cooperation and exchange, transcending geographical boundaries to foster mutual learning and advancement in soil science education. As participants reflect on their journey and achievements, they carry forward the legacy of excellence and innovation, inspired to make a positive impact in their respective fields and communities.